Results for: title
English Norwegian
titlehjemmel, tittel, skjøte, titulere
titletittel (m)
college degree in engineering (degree and title obtained on completion of a three year undergraduate programme in engineering)høgskoleingeniør
job titlestillingsbetegnelse
Personal Data Act (short title for the Act relating to the processing of data)personopplysningsloven (korttittel for lov om behandling av personopplysninger)
professional titleyrkestittel
professor (title)professor (m)
Teacher Training Act (short title forthe Act relating to the training of teachers, superseded by Universities and Colleges Act)lærarutdanningslova (korttittel for lov om lærarutdanning)
the Adult Education Act(short title for the Act relating to adult education)voksenopplæringsloven (korttittel for lov om voksenopplæring)
the Child Benefit Act (short title for theAct relating to child benefit)barnetrygdloven (korttittel for lov om barnetrygd)
the Child Welfare Act (short title for theAct relating to child welfare Services)barnevernloven (korttittel for lov om barneverntjenester)
the Children Act (short title for the Act relating to children and parents)barnelova (korttittel for lov om barn og foreldre)
the Civil Service Act (short title forthe Act relating to Civil Servants)tjenestemannsloven (korttittel for lov om statens tjenestemenn m.m.)
the Day Care Institutions Act (short title for the Act relating to day care institutions)barnehageloven (korttittel for lov om barnehager)

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